Fall of 2002: Wilton citizens who were snowmobile users, horseback riders, cross-country skiers, naturalists, school representatives, and property owners met with the WCC to define needs and later draft a trail right of way deed for Wilton.
Fall of 2003: WCC established the importance of preserving open land and trails in Wilton as a primary action goal.
Fall 2003: WCC joins with area conservation commissions to discuss open land, trails and other areas of common interest.
Winter 2003: Citizens with the support of selectmen and the WCC wrote a grant application for trail easements at the Four Corners Farm
April 2003: Wilton Town Meeting raises funds for the Conservation Fund to be used for trail right of way easements.
May 2003: Selectman on advice of the town attorney approved a boilerplate trail easement deed.
May 2003: The WCC and the Wilton Heritage Commission established a special open land committee.
May 2003: Town receives grant of $8000 for acquiring trail right away on Four Corners Farm
June 2003: WCC confirms with NRPC the wish to secure a permanent trail right of way of NH Snowmobile Corridor #13 from the Mason town line to the junction of Routes 101 & 31 in the Monadnock Springs - Jon's Cycle Barn area.
June 2003: Souhegan LAC recognizes the importance of the Snowmobile Corridor # 13 as well as the benefits to the area of trails leading to the protected Souhegan River.
In the past, Wilton citizen Philip Heald, a property owner and former WCC chairman, donated considerable land to the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. He also encouraged the public use of the land by developing a network of trails on the land.
Because of Phil Heald's example his neighbors have established an extensive trail network on their property and one of those trails connects his lands to the Sheldrick Forest owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy and another connect this Heald tract to the Souhegan River.
Nature Conservancy's Sheldrick Forest has an educational trail highlighting the significance of the property's old forest.
Souhegan LAC is investigating the need and location of riparian way trails along the protected Souhegan River. Such trails will need access to both sides of the river and additional footbridges along the river need to be planned and built.
For many years, WCC has published a Wilton trail map and the map is available at the Town Hall.