The Wilton Heritage Commission began installing signs several years ago to help educate and inform residents about historic locations around Wilton.
With this latest addition of Frog Pond, the Historical Markers program now consists of 18 signs that provide glimpses into many fascinating aspects of our town's history.
Frog Pond is located opposite Carnival Hill, and was installed by E.J. Abbott in the 1920’s to provide an emergency water supply for the Hillsborough Mill. Frog Pond has been overseen by the Wilton Conservation Commission since 2005.
A Self-Guided Tour of Historic Wilton -- a map and guide containing information about these markers and other pieces of Wilton's history -- is available for a nominal fee at Town Hall or the Historical Society's rooms on the top floor of the Library.
For a full slide show on all 18 markers, go to https://www.wiltonnh.gov/visitors/historic_attractions/wilton_historical_markers
Fall is a beautiful time of year to take a tour and visit all 18 signs!

(photo courtesy of Pam Clemens)