New Residents

Welcome to Wilton!

Wilton has approximately 3,800 residents. We have one voting district and voting takes place at the Wilton Town Hall located at 42 Main Street.

You can establish residency by registering to vote with the Town Clerk. You will need to prove that you live in town by bringing one of the following items: a utility bill; a lease agreement; or a notarized letter from owner of property from which you are living; and, a photo ID.

If you are already a New Hampshire resident and have recently moved to Wilton, you will need to fill out a change of address form and we will submit it to the Division of Motor Vehicles for you. This will change your address on both your driver's license and any vehicle registrations you have.

Motor Vehicles and Driver's License - NH law requires a new resident, within 60 days of moving to New Hampshire, to change their out of state driver's license to a New Hampshire driver's license. You must also register your car at that time. The State of New Hampshire has a very thorough website for more questions - Division of Motor Vehicles.

Town Sewer & Water - Some parts of Wilton are served by town sewer and/or water. If this service is available at your property, please be sure that as the new owner your name and correct mailing address are on file with the Tax Collector's Office.

Trash Removal - Wilton has a waste and recycling center located at 291 Gibbons Highway (Rt 101). The facility is shared with the towns of Lyndeborough, Temple, Greenville and Mason. If you choose to not bring your waste and recyclables to the facility on your own, you will need to hire a private waste removal company to provide the service.

School District - For information on Wilton's School District visit their web site.

Remember to visit the Residents section of this website for additional information on community organizations, houses of worship, schools, our cemeteries, and much more!

Additional helpful links:

State of NH Resources for New Residents

New Resident of Wilton: From Another Town In NH

New Resident of Wilton: From a Different State

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