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Grand Opening of the Riverwalk Gazebo
The grand opening of the new handicapped-accessible gazebo on the Wilton Riverwalk took place on Saturday October 14th at 11:00 a.m.

The 16-foot octagon gazebo sits on the bank of Stony Brook next to the original Riverwalk path, and has a wheel-chair accessible ramp and several interior benches. The copper-roofed cupola design reflects the historic Town Hall and is topped with a Great Blue Heron in flight - the Wilton Riverwalk project mascot.
Funding for the gazebo was made possible through a generous AARP Community Challenge Grant, with additional contributions by the family of Doctor Raymond Galloway, long-time Wilton physician, and the Wilton Alliance ( It was constructed through the hard work of community volunteers. In addition to offering a new gathering space in downtown, the gazebo serves as an observation platform for the new Wilton Senior Citizen Science Program.
For full details of the festivities, speeches and photo galleries, click HERE
For a description of the value of the gazebo to Wilton's downtown, see video:
The Wilton Riverwalk Project began in 2017 with the Phase 1 opening of a walkway along the Stony Brook River near the Police Station downtown. Since then, we’ve sponsored a design charrette with Plan NH, a comprehensive Riverwalk Study with the Nashua Regional Planning Commission, and held numerous public input workshops and an online survey to gather residents’ feedback on what features they would like to see in a Riverwalk.
Wilton residents later approved funding to hire an architect to develop a plan for the Riverwalk, and after a competitive RFP process, chose GPI with a project team of landscape architects and civil engineers from their offices in Wilmington MA. and Portsmouth, NH.
The intent of the Riverwalk is to create an attractive amenity for residents and visitors alike to encourage people to come and spend more time downtown, to walk and enjoy the rivers as a downtown asset and - as they stay longer - patronize our downtown businesses. The plan is designed to be built in phases with a variety of creative funding strategies including local fundraising, state and federal grants, and private-public partnerships.
Phase 2 began with the complete renovation of Monument Park, located downtown along river, completed in May, 2020 due to the joint sponsorship of the American Legion Bent-Burke Post 10, the Economic Development Team, the Wilton Main Street Association (WMSA), and a generous $1,000 grant from Eversource. It involved the work of many volunteers and donations from local businesses – a full description of the work along with a link to photos of the project can be found HERE.
Phase 2 continued in June, 2021 with the creation of a solar-lighted, handicapped-accessible walkway along the northern bank of the Stony Brook River, with plantings, placemaking signage, benches, sculpture and access to fishing spots. The project was made possible through a generous grant for the AARP and a permanent land easement from TDS Telecomm. Full details of the project, opening ceremonies and many photos of the work-in-progress and completed trail can be found HERE.
Phase 2 completed with the installation of several Riverview signs on the front facades of several businesses on Main Street offering river views from their interiors.
Phase 3 consisted of a downtown Riverwalk Gazebo funded through AARP and the family of long-time Wilton physician Dr. Galloway. For full details, see page to the left of below.
For a perspective on the importance of the Riverwalk to our downtown and the impact of the AARP grant for the Stony Brook Trail, see video below.
For thoughts on how the new Riverwalk Gazebo will improve community gathering in downtown Wilton and serve as a home base for the Wilton Senior Citizens Science Program, see video below:

Wilton Riverwalk Design Update
On October 18th the Wilton Economic Development team, in conjunction with Landscape Architect Robert White of GPI, shared the design plans for the future downtown Wilton Riverwalk:
Press Release
Wilton Riverwalk Design Plans: Overview Maps
Wilton Riverwalk Design Plans: Detailed Presentation
Photos from the Riverwalk Design Event
For more information on the studies and surveys mentioned above, along with the Riverwalk plans, please visit the Links section on the right side of our main page. Maps, illustrations and information are also posted in the Kiosk at the start of the current Riverwalk on Stony Brook, and at Town Hall.