Stormwater Management

Wilton's Stormwater Program

Wilton riverscape

The purpose of the EPA’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program is to mitigate the effects of storm water pollution.

Rainwater that falls on paved streets, lawns, parking lots, and sidewalks becomes polluted stormwater. The more impervious the surface, the more stormwater runoff and impact to receiving water bodies. Typical pollutants in stormwater are trash, oil, fertilizers, sediment, sand, and bacteria. In fact, 40% of known pollution to the nation’s waters is caused by stormwater.

Wilton must comply with the requirements of MS4, and we have submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply. The links section of this page provides more details on our plans.

We have six ways we are working to clean up the stormwater in Wilton before it reaches our beautiful riverways.

1. Education

Get the Scoop on Poop! - Information from our Spokes-pooch for Dog Owners
Draft Wilton Scoop the Poop Flyer
Greenworks Scoop the Poop Flyer
Get Pumped! - Information for Homeowners with Septic Systems
Get Pumped Fact Sheet
Green Grass Clear Water - Information on how to maintain a healthy lawn and a healthy river
Green Grass & Clean Water 2023 Fact Sheet
Fertilizer Fact Sheet
Rake it or Leave it Brochure

Developer Outreach
Developer Outreach Letters - Mailed  in June 2022
Industrial Outreach
Industrial Outreach Letters - Mailed in September 2023
Industrial Outreach Fact Sheet 2023
Green Snow Pro Fact Sheet 2023

2. Public Involvement

2024 Hazardous Waste Day -
Wilton's Recycling Center Conducted it's traditional yearly day in June where it collects household hazardous material. Other than some concerns about some inappropriately handled flammable material, the day went on without a hitch, and large quantities of hazardous materials were diverted from properties within the town to waiting safe, environmentally appropriate transfer operations.  The Town's storm water program became aware this could be celebrated as creditable for the town's storm water management practices.

2024 Annual Town Meeting - Wilton's March 2024 Annual Town Meeting was an exciting time for the town's stormwater program. A display with stormwater materials was setup, and over 150 residents were potentially exposed to this material and stormwater discussions at town meeting.  The  town's budget - along with an increased stormwater budget - passed, and the Town Administrator/Stormwater Manager presented a warrant article to establish a Stormwater Management Expendable Trust Fund to maintain and expand the town's stormwater system. During presentation of the warrant article, the Town Administrator / Stormwater Manager summarized the town's MS4 Program, discussed its environmental and financial implications, and recommended the necessity of increasing stormwater budgets and setting up funds to assist the town. The warrant article passed.

2024 Town wide Cleanup -  Wilton's April Cleanup of 68 miles of state, local town, and private roadways again was a massive success! Thanks to all the volunteers, town officials, and employees who facilitated this truly remarkable effort!


2023 Town Wide Cleanup - Wilton is proud to say that AGAIN a large number of citizen volunteers  organized and conducted another truly massive cleanup of town roadways and adjacent areas. The cleanup occurred along approximately the same 68 miles of roadway that the 2022 roadway cleanup around, and had dozens and dozens of resident volunteers collecting trash in donated trash bags and dropping them off at the Wilton Recycling Center free of charge for processing.
Roadside Cleanup Participants

Souhegan Sustainability Fair
- Also on Saturday, April 15th 2023,  parts of the Town of Wilton's Storm water team participated  in the first Soughegan Sustainability Fair since the COVID-19 pandemic curtailed the once popular event. Wilton's Storm water manager attended the event, set up an informational table, and spoke to approximately 45 individuals about MS4 Regulation, the benefits and effects of storm water management,  and how every household can help contribute to cleaning up the town's impaired waterways.  Around 29 of those who spoke to the storm water manager were Wilton residents, while 11 were from neighboring New Hampshire communities, and the remaining were either from farther away  in New Hampshire  or were visitors from out of state .  The Storm water manager also distributed approximately 18 informational flyers for some  of the town and state's storm water management programs (Get Pumped! Green Grass Clear Water, and Scoop the Poop). Approximately 24 other MS4 informational promotional documents or products were also distributed.

2023 Souhegan Sustainability Fair


Town Hall Rain Garden
On the morning of Sunday, August 7th  2022, volunteers gathered at Cooley Park on the northwest side
of town hall to help dig and plant a rain garden, an arrangement of plants meant to help direct and contain storm water runoff.  For a full report and more pictures, CLICK HERE. Below is a picture from the day of install and the same location in September of 2023 a whole year later!

2022 Rain Garden
rain garden
Storm drain Murals
Mural at the LibraryStorm drain murals! The students in Emily Hall's art class learned about stormwater, took a field trip to see stormwater infrastructure, and then each created a storm  drain mural to remind viewers to be responsible stewards of our waterways. 

In April 2022, three students painted their murals on storm drains in Wilton. There is one the Gregg Free and Wilton Public LibrarMural at FRESy at the entrance from the back parking lot. 

The Police Department has one next to their building reminding visitors not to dump trash.  And Florence Rideout Elementary School has one mural were the frogs are looking at the trash and wondering what these strange lily pads are floating
Mural at the Police Station
 the water.  
All the student's murals are available at the Gregg Free and Wilton Public library. Check out this inspiring art show!

Road Side clean up of 68 miles of roads

Road side clean up flier In a two week window of time, nearly 800 bags of trash were removed from 68 miles of roads in Wilton.  This was a monumental effortThat's a wrap

by everyone in town from kindergarteners to great grandparents!  This event was incorporated into Earth Day celebrations at both public schools. 

Blue bags were available at Town Hall as well as a few other locations. 
And the fun continued afterward. An old tire dump was discovered and over 40 tires were removed as part of a team effort with residents, the DPW and the Recycling center!


DrainStorm drain stenciling! - 10 students from High Mowing High School and two adults led the effort to stencil the storm drains in Wilton.  Approximately 30 storm drains were stenciled in an afternoon. This gentle reminder helps keep solid waste out of the waterways of Wilton.


Town-wide clean up - residents picked up over 73 bags of trash and solid waste.  Residents picked up blue bags and gloves at various locations in Wilton including Town Hall.  On  clean up day, blue bags were gathered and transported to the Recycling Center by our Emergency Services Director, Dave Boissonnault.  Participants were encouraged to post photos on social media with the #hashtag  #NHMS4 and #Wilton4Stormwater.


LogoMichele Decoteau, Stormwater Manager was on the Podcast: Before the Checks are Signed on March 4, 2020, discussing stormwater and the MS4 Permit. Listen here!


The presentation summarizes Wilton’s stormwater program plans and was approved at the Select Board meeting on October 22, 2018. Wilton's Stormwater Program presentation

3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) - coming soon!

IDDE Plan (updated 2024)
IDDE Ordiannce
SSO Inventory - None to Report as of June 31st 2023
Stormwater system mapping - See IDDE Plan
Training - See IDDE Plan
Draft Catchment Investigation Procedures

4. Stormwater Management at Construction Sites

Updated storm water Regulations Section H of the Wilton Land Use Regulations addresses stormwater for new construction.

Old (2013) Stormwater regulations for new construction -

5. Post Construction Stormwater Management - coming soon!

Stormwater regulations for Post -construction
Green infrastructure

6. Good Housekeeping

2024 Street Sweeping and Catch Basin Cleaning Report

Operation and Maintenance for Town-owned properties
Library Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Draft)
Fire Department Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Draft)
Police Station Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Draft)
Recycling Center Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Town Hall (in Development)

Year 4 Specific Requirements

Hot Spot Summary

Hot Spot Inventory
Regulation Assessment Report 
Stormwater Regulation Review
IDDE Ordinance

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