The Town of Wilton contains many miles of scenic roads bounded by rivers and streams, wetlands, agricultural areas, woods and stone walls. These scenic roadways represent the essence of Wilton's rural character. A New Hampshire law governing the official designation of Scenic Roads by towns and cities (RSA 231:157) was created several years ago by the State Legislature to promote the preservation of rural and scenic roadways as part of the geographic and cultural heritage of the state. It also outlines some restrictions on changes to the roads - more information can be found
Wilton is proud to be a participant in this program, and has designated eight scenic roads (for a total of ~8 miles). These roads offer wonderful views which bring to life what our town looked like many years ago, and are worth a visit!
A word of caution about visiting these roads in the winter months – some roads or sections may be unimproved, dirt roads and not easily traversable in the snow (or mud!
Wilton’s Scenic Roads
HERE to see a map of seven of the current scenic roads.
1. Dwight Road
Dwight Road connects Gage Road to Captain Clark Highway and is largely an unimproved single lane country dirt road. Journeying down Dwight Road from the top of the hill, one can look across a beautiful meadow to the distant hills. Further down, the road winds thru a deeply wooded area, with high embankments covered with ferns. This road truly represents Wilton as it used to be!
2. Heald Road
3. Kimball Hill Road
4. King Brook Road
5. Russell Hill Road

These four roads are in the Russell Hill area south of Rt 101 and West of Rt 31S. This area is home to the
Heald Tract,
Sheldrick Forest, Batchelder Pond, and the King Brook stone bridge, as well as a number of original cellar holes - you can see a map drawn by Phyllis Tallarico of the cellar holes

This area also offers many wonderful hiking trails within both the Heald Tract and Sheldrick Forest. You can start your tour at the intersection of Route 101 and Russell Hill Road, which eventually becomes Kimball Farm Rd, and crosses both Heald Road and King Brook Road. Kimball Farm Rd eventually ends at Rt 31.
6. Sand Hill Road
7. Wilson Road
Both of these roads are in the historic Wilton Center area – Wilson Rd intersects Isaac Frye Highway in Wilton Center right opposite Andy’s Playhouse, and then ends at Burns Hill Rd. Turning left onto Burns Hill and then an immediate right puts you onto Sand Hill Road. Sand Hill Road passes by the New Wilton Reservoir, which the town is exploring for possible future recreational use. Eventually Sand Hill Rd passes by the
Vale End cemetery, the oldest one in town.
8. Barrett Hill Road
The newest Wilton scenic road, Barrett Hill Rd, is a short, beautiful country road beginning at the intersection of the Burton Highway and Stagecoach Rd and ending just pass Hearthstone. It was approved by Wilton voters on July 18, 2022 and included amendments authorizing the Planning Board to further define processes for holding a public hearing and the decision criteria for granting certain actions, and to protect Barrett Hill Road trees with a 9.5 inch or greater circumference rather than the standard 15 inches.