Please join us on June 14, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Florence Rideout Elementary School for a community discussion on housing. As part of this forum, we will be presenting the results of the recent Wilton Housing Survey. See full details here.
n March of 2023 the Planning Board was awarded an $83,000 grant under the State Housing Opportunity Program (HOP) to help it identify the need for, and the characteristics of, additional housing opportunities appropriate for Wilton. The grant will fund assistance from the Nashua Region Planning Commission (NRPC) to:
- Update the Town’s Master Plan chapters relating to housing;
- Audit Wilton’s Land Use Laws and Regulations to generate recommendations for changes that could facilitate desired development;
- Support in drafting proposed changes; and
- In each phase, obtain public input about the development of housing in Town.
For full details of this program, and to see ongoing updates, please visit the dedicated NRPC website on this program:
The Planning Board has also established an HOP Advisory Committee which includes a cross-section of town residents and community leaders, to serve as a direct link to the community, helping to develop effective public outreach efforts and reviewing public attitudes about housing and related issues.
While the Advisory Committee will not have authority to determine priorities or approaches, it will make recommendations to the Planning Board and NRPC about strategies to encourage development of additional housing in Wilton. It will provide information that could affect the practicality of implementing certain housing recommendations.
The Advisory Committee will review, consider and discuss issues raised by NRPC and the Planning Board, and it will identify for the Planning Board questions that should be addressed before the Planning Board proposes changes to Wilton’s Land Use Laws and Regulations.
Meetings of the HOP Advisory Committee are public, and will be posted on the town calendar. All meeting minutes will be posted on the NRPC page above.
Advisory Committee Members:
Jennifer Beck, Economic Development Leadership Team - Chair; Conservation Commission
Shannen L. Coffey, Planning Board
Michael Dell'Orto, Wilton Historical Society
Chris Gordan, Business Owner, Copper Kettle
Randy E. King, Sr., Planning Board; Conservation Commission
Jordan Saint Pierre, Resident
Bob Silva, Resident
Karon S. Walker, Planning Board Vice-Chair
Kermit Williams, Select Board Chair