Planning Board

Public Notices, Minutes, and Agendas are posted in the Wilton Post Office and Town Hall Bulletin Board

How to apply to the Planning Board

The Planning Board generally holds two meetings each month, first, a work session on the first Wednesday and the second, a regular meeting on the third Wednesday. All meetings of the Board are open to the public.  At work sessions, the Board usually deals with general matters, including considering new or amended zoning ordinances or regulations, updates to the Master Plan and other issues not related to specific applications.  At regular meetings, statutorily mandated public hearings are held on applications to the Board. Applicants requesting action by the Board should consult with the Land Use Administrator as early as possible to ensure a smooth application process. 


The Board is charged with, among other things, reviewing and approving applications for Subdivisions, Cluster Subdivisions, Site Plans, Excavation Site Plans, Scenic Road Tree Removal, Driveway Permits, Sign Permits, and Stormwater Permits, as well as permitted waivers from their requirements. Each of these requests, and Board action on them, is governed by specific land use ordinances and/or regulations, and may also be required to comply with other local, state and federal law requirements. 

Types of applications

Subdivisions. All applications for subdivisions, including lot line adjustments and lot mergers (caveat lot consolidations), must adhere to the Wilton Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations.  There are usually additional regulations that must be addressed during the subdivision application process, including Stormwater Regulations and Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 

Site Plans. Board review of site plans is required for non-residential uses, most changes of use, and Home Occupations.  Site plans must adhere to Wilton Zoning Ordinance and the Site Plan Regulations. There are usually additional regulations that must be addressed during the site plan process, including Stormwater Regulations and Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 

Excavation Site Plans. Excavation operations must adhere to the Zoning Ordinance, Site Plan Regulations, and Excavation Site Plan Regulations, as well as other requirements applicable to the site. 

Other miscellaneous applications include Scenic Road Tree and Stonewall Removal Applications, Driveway Permits and Waiver Applications, and Stormwater Permits. Please see these specific Regulations for details. 

An applicant may authorize a representative to appear before the Board to answer questions or otherwise provide information to the Board and/or the Land Use Administrator.  Application forms require information about the representative and the signatures of both the applicant and the representative.

If you need to change or amend any application or portion thereof, please contact the Land Use Administrator. 


Preliminary Consultation
If you would like to discuss, in a general way only, a project at an early stage with the Board, please make an appointment with the Land Use Administrator at least fifteen (15) days prior to a scheduled Planning Board meeting (regular or work session). No fees are required. No specific proposals or drawings will be considered and no decisions can be made.  The Board will offer only general non-binding guidance and suggestions.

All other applications
If Board review of the application is required (all subdivisions, site plans and stormwater permits, among others), please submit the completed application to the Land Use Administrator with all fees, abutters list and labels by 4:00 PM one month prior to the next regular Board meeting at which it will first be heard. This deadline is subject to change; please consult the Board deadlines on the Town Website. 

Once the Land Use Administrator has received a completed application and required fees, the application material will be forwarded to the Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) for review and comment. Revisions and/or additional materials requested by the NRPC must be submitted by the applicant or on its behalf by 4:00 PM on the last Tuesday of the month. This deadline is subject to change; please consult the Board deadlines on the Town Website. 

If Board review is not required for the application (i.e., driveway permits and waivers, scenic road tree cutting permits), please submit the completed application to the Land Use Administration, with all fees and labels, by 4:00 PM on the last Tuesday of the month. This deadline is subject to change; please consult the Board deadlines on the Town Website.


The fees set forth on the schedule in Appendix III of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance must accompany an application.  In addition, the Board may require the establishment and funding of an escrow account to defray the costs of further professional review requested by the Board. 

Abutters Lists

A list of abutters, if required, must be supplied with any application that requires notice, as set forth in the applicable regulations.  In accordance with Wilton Zoning Ordinance Section 4.14 and state law, the abutters list must include information about the applicant, any engineer, surveyor, or soil scientist who worked on the plan, any abutter – even abutters across roads, waterbodies, or railroads - and any holder of an easement on property. 

Please review the Abutters List with the Town Clerk’s office no more than five (5) days prior to submission. 

Three (3) address labels (approximately 2.625” x 1”) per address are required. 

Continuing Cases before the Planning Board

Revisions to applications requested by the Board, and any additional information the applicant would like the Board to review, must be submitted at least twelve (12) days prior to the next Board meeting at which the application will again be considered.

The Planning Board expects applications to diligently prosecute their application. If an applicant does not update plats or other application materials for two (2) consecutive months after the Board has requested changes, and prior to the Board’s acceptance of the application, the Board may deny the application for insufficient information.


Board Membership

Board members must be residents of Wilton and are elected at annual town elections. The seven member Board has elected, staggered three-year terms.  Alternates and the Select Board representative are appointed for single year terms.

Board Members

Name Title/Term
J. Alexander (Alec) MacMartin, Jr.
Chairperson, 2024-2025 (2027)
Shannen L. Coffey Vice-Chairperson, 2024-2025 (2026)
R. Neil Faiman. Jr. Board Member, 2024-2027
W. Bart Hunter
Board Member, 2025-2028
Matt S. Fish Board Member, 2025-2026
John Miles Horsley Board Member, 2025-2026
Joseph (Joe)  Coffey Board Member, 2025-2028
Kermit Williams Select Board Representative
John Griffith Alternate,  2025-2026
Chris Lepkowski Alternate, 2025-2026

Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Land Use Administrator
Caryn Case
(603) 654-9166
NRPC Planner
Mary Brundage
(603) 417-6570  x6563

Meeting Information



Rules of Procedure

Application Information

2025 Planning Board Meeting & Application Submission Schedule

Current Land Use Laws and Regulations

Zoning and Other Maps

Application Forms

Application Fee Schedule


Current Master Plan

Capital Improvement Plans (CIP)

Impact Fees
Impact Fee Analysis Phase 2 - 2013


Hours of Operation

Land Use Office Hours
Mon-Thu 8 AM - 4 PM
Fri 8 AM - 12 PM

Meeting Information
First Wed - Work session
Third Wed - Regular meeting
Time: 6:30 PM

42 Main Street
PO Box 83
Wilton, NH 03086
United States
See map: Google Maps

Key Contacts

Land Use Administrator:
Caryn Case
(603) 654-9166

NRPC Planner:
Mary Brundage
(603) 417-6570 x6563

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