
2025 Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes
'Redline' DRAFT of Section E, Building Code Ordinance

'Clean' DRAFT of Section E, Building Code Ordinance





In accordance with RSA Sections 675:3 and 675:7 the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a SECOND Public Hearing on Wednesday, January29, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Town of Wilton Courtroom, 42 Main Street, to discuss the following Proposed Zoning Amendment Articles.

The Proposed Zoning Amendment Articles require approval by voters as part of the annual Town Meeting process on March 13, 2025, Election Day.


2025 Proposed Section A, Zoning Ordinance Warrant Articles

Warrant Articles - Expanded Descriptions:

  1. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1, as proposed by the Planning Board, to the Town of Wilton Zoning Ordinance related to the provisions of Chapter 5.0, Residential District, subsection 5.3.6(b), captioned “Schools and day care centers”, as reflected in the zoning ordinance amendments to conform with NH RSA 672:1, V-a, as amended in 2024, and posted at the Wilton Town Hall and the Wilton Town Website?


Items in this amendment include replacing subsection 5.3.6(b) with the following new language:


a.          DELETE existing subsection 5.3.6(b) and replace it with the following: “5.3.6(b) Schools and day care centers. The regular or pre-school education, in an occupied dwelling unit, of children not residents of that dwelling unit, is a permitted use and does not require Site Plan Review, provided that either (1) the use is licensed by the State of New Hampshire as a family day care home or family day care group home, as defined in RSA 170-E:2, IV or (2) the use is exempted from licensing pursuant to RSA 170-E:3, I.”



  1. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2, as proposed by the Planning Board, to the Town of Wilton Zoning Ordinance related to the provisions of Chapter 15B.0, Solar Collection Systems (adopted March 2020), subsection 15B.2.6, captioned “Residential System”, as reflected in the zoning ordinance amendments to update residential solar system requirements and posted at the Wilton Town Hall and the Wilton Town Website?


Items in this amendment include replacing subsection 15B.2.6 with the following new language:


a.          DELETE existing subsection 15B.2.6 and replace it with the following: “15B.2.6 Residential System. Any SCS intended primarily to reduce on-site residential consumption of utility power with 1,000 square feet or less Solar Land Coverage.”



  1. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3, as proposed by the Planning Board, to the Town of Wilton Zoning Ordinance related to the provisions of Chapter 17.0, Non-conforming Uses and Building, subsection 17.3, captioned “Special Exceptions”, as reflected in the zoning ordinance amendments to update setback requirements for Special Exceptions and posted at the Wilton Town Hall and the Wilton Town Website?


Items in this amendment include creating a new subsection 17.3.1, and moving the current body of subsection 17.3 into it, and creating a new subsection 17.3.2 as follows:


a.          ADD a new subsection 17.3.1 and move the current body of subsection 17.3 into it as follows: “17.3.1 Reduced Setbacks for New Structures. When the dimensions of a lot or the replacement of existing structures on a lot are such that there is no reasonable placement of a proposed new structure on that lot which conforms with the lot setback requirements, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to permit reduced setbacks, provided that:

a.          The lot dimensions or existing structures which result in the difficulty must have been in existence prior to the adoption of the setback requirements that are to be reduced.

b.         The setback to be reduced must be a lot line setback. Setbacks from wetland or water bodies may not be reduced by a special exception under this section, nor may tower setbacks as specified in the Wireless Communications Overlay District, Section 15.3.5. (Adopted March 2009, Amended March 2020)

c.          The proposed structure and its proposed placement must be in keeping with the existing development of the neighborhood.

d.         The special exception must specifically identify the permitted location of the proposed structure, as shown on a site plan, which is to become part of the record of the decision.

e.          The Zoning Board may restrict the dimension of the proposed structure to balance the reasonable use of the property with the spirit of the zoning ordinance.

(See also Section 4.12) (Amended March 2022)”


b.         ADD a new subsection 17.3.2 with the following new language: “17.3.2 Expansion of Non-conforming Structures. When an existing building or structure is non-conforming solely because it does not satisfy a lot line setback requirement or a maximum height limitation, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to allow its dimensional extension or enlargement, provided that:

a.          No part of the new construction, including construction which vertically extends any existing portion of the building or structure, may be closer to any lot line than allowed by the applicable setback requirements.

b.         No part of the new construction may violate any applicable height limitation.

c.          The setbacks for the new construction from all lot lines must be increased by the magnitude of the nonconformity, which is defined as the largest shortfall of the actual setback from the required setback for any part of the existing structure. (For example, in the Residential District, where the front setback is 35’, if some point of an existing house is 25’ from the front lot line, then the magnitude of the nonconformity is 10’, so the side and rear lot line setbacks for the new construction must be increased from 15’ to 25’)

d.         The new construction must not increase the visual impact or other adverse effects attributable to the existing non-conformity of the building or structure, either from a public right-of-way or from adjacent lots.

e.          The building or structure, as extended or enlarged, must be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood.



  1. Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board, to the Town of Wilton Zoning Ordinance related to the provisions of Chapter 17.0, Non-conforming Uses and Structures, subsection 17.4.2, captioned “Expiration” as reflected in the zoning ordinance amendments to conform with NH RSA 674:33, I-a(a) and RSA 674:33, IV(b) regarding expiration rules and posted at the Wilton Town Hall and the Wilton Town Website?


Items in this amendment include replacing subsection 17.4.2(b) with the following:


a.          DELETE existing subsection 17.4.2(b) and replace it with the following new language: “17.4.2(b). If an application is filed with the Planning Board in reliance upon an unexpired variance or special exception, then the expiration date of that variance or special exception shall be extended to 6 months after the resolution of that application. “Resolution” includes denial or final approval of the application and the decision of any subsequent appeals.”



Emergency Meeting Notice

Town Hall Courtroom
August 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A:3, the Wilton Conservation Commission will hold an emergency meeting to approve funds for DNA testing in Stony Brook.

December 14, 2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board



 Notice is given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:3 and 675:7 that the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 School Street, to consider the following:


Amendments to the Wilton Zoning Ordinance (requires approval by voters at the annual Town Meeting):


  1. To add the Downtown Residential Overlay District and to clarify and amend provisions regarding Accessory Dwelling Units to Chapter 5, Residential District, the following changes will be incorporated: AMEND Sections 5.1(a), 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 5.3, 5.3.1,,, 5.3.6(a), 5.3.6(b), 5.3.6(d), 5.3.6(e), 5.3.7, 5.3.7(a), 5.3.7(b), 5.3.7(c), 5.4, 5.5.3(d), 5.5.3(f), 5.5.4,, and, and ADOPT Section 5.0.2 (new provision).


  2. To update the National Flood Insurance Program requirements to Chapter 10, Floodplain Conservation District, the following changes will be incorporated: AMEND Sections 10.0, 10.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, 10.1.5, 10.1.6, 10.1.7, 10.1.8, 10.1.9, 10.1.10, 10.1.11, 10.1.12, 10.1.13, 10.1.14, 10.1.15, 10.1.16, 10.1.17, 10.1.18, 10.1.19, 10.1.20, 10.1.21, 10.1.22, 10.1.23, 10.1.24, 10.1.25, 10.1.26, 10.1.27, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4(a).1, 10.4(b).1, 10.4(b)2, 10.4(b)2(a), 10.4(c), 10.4(d), 10.4(e).1, 10.4(e).3(c), 10.4(f), 10.5, 10.5(a), 10.5(b), 10.5(c), 10.5(d), 10.5(e), 10.6, 10.6(a), 10.6(b), 10.6(c), , OMIT Sections 10.1.28, 10.1.29, 10.1.30, 101.30.1, 10.1.31, and ADOPT Sections 10.1.1, 10.1.10, 10.6(b).i, 10.6(b).ii, 10.6(b).iii, 10.6(b)iv, 10.6(d) (new provisions).


  3. To update the age requirement from 62 to 55 to Chapter 13, Age-Restricted Housing Overlay District, the following change will be incorporated: AMEND Chapter 13.0.


Amendments to the Town of Wilton Master Plan (requires approval by the Planning Board):


AMEND Chapter III – Population & Housing of the Town of Wilton Master Plan.

Full text of the proposed changes is viewable in-person at the Town Hall and electronically on the Town of Wilton website:, or by email (send an email request to [email protected] or call (603) 654-9166.

 June 28, 2023 N.H. Department of Safety Public Hearing 

The NH DOS will hold a public hearing on June 28th at 10:00 a.m. in the Town Hall to discuss a Petition to Prohibit the Use of Petroleum Engine Watercraft on Sand Hill Reservoir.  The detailed petition can be found on the town calenda

June 5, 2023 Wilton Select Board Public Hearing

The Wilton Select Board will hold a public hearing in the Town Hall Courtroom on June 5, 2023 at 5:45 p.m. for the purpose of a discussion with HBMC Properties regarding their application for he Community Revitalization Relief Incentive (RSA 79-E).

May 17, 2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Case Number: SP11-1522
Case Number: SP01-0423

Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:6 and 675:7 that the following have been submitted to the Town of Wilton Planning Board for review on May 17, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School (FRES), 18 Tremont Street during a regular meeting of the Board:

 a site plan application by Stadium Graphics, LLC / Chuck Hodgdon for a proposed storage garage to be built on an existing foundation at 40 West Intervale Road, Map F Lot 17 (0.6 acres, 612’ frontage with 277’ on West Intervale Road) The lot is in the Industrial District, Aquifer Protection District, and Wetland Protection District . The lot is served by a private well and town sewer.

 a site plan application by Ana Maria Hernandez for a licensed family group care for up to 12 children as a home occupation at 102 Holt Roa d, Map D Lot 37 (0.60 acres, 200’ frontage). The lot is in the General Residence and Agricultural District. The lot is served by private septic and town water.

Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Town of Wilton Land Use Laws, Section B, Subdivision Regulations the Board will vote to accept the applications as complete, and a public hearing on the merits of the proposals will follow immediately. Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, the applications will stay on the Planning Board agenda until such time as it is either approved or disapproved.

Copies of the applications referenced above are available at If you have any questions, please call (603) 654-6451 x309 or email [email protected].

Anyone needing assistance to attend this meeting should contact the Select Board Office one week prior to the scheduled date.

April 23, 2023 Town of Wilton Zoning Board

Case  #04/11/2023-03

Elaine L. Kalhori has requested a special exception under section 6.6.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to allow a hair salon as a home occupation at Lot H-19, 24 Gage Road.

The Town of Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet on Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at 24 Gage Road to hold a site visit for this application. The site visit is a continuation of the public hearing on the case, and is open to the public. Its purpose is to assist the Board members and other interested parties to become familiar with the property involved in the application. Board members and other interested parties may, through the Board chairperson, ask questions about, and the applicant may point out, site details pertaining to the application, such as boundaries, contours, proposed buffers, driveways, etc. No other testimony will be taken, and no other discussion should occur.

April 19,2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Case Number: SP11-1522
Case Number: SP01-0423

Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:6 and 675:7 that the following have been submitted to the Town of Wilton Planning Board for review on May 17, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School (FRES), 18 Tremont Street during a regular meeting of the Board:

 a site plan application by Stadium Graphics, LLC / Chuck Hodgdon for a proposed storage garage to be built on an existing foundation at 40 West Intervale Road, Map F Lot 17 (0.6 acres, 612’ frontage with 277’ on West Intervale Road) The lot is in the Industrial District, Aquifer Protection District, and Wetland Protection District . The lot is served by a private well and town sewer.

 a site plan application by Ana Maria Hernandez for a licensed family group care for up to 12 children as a home occupation at 102 Holt Roa d, Map D Lot 37 (0.60 acres, 200’ frontage). The lot is in the General Residence and Agricultural District. The lot is served by private septic and town water.

Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Town of Wilton Land Use Laws, Section B, Subdivision Regulations the Board will vote to accept the applications as complete, and a public hearing on the merits of the proposals will follow immediately. Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, the applications will stay on the Planning Board agenda until such time as it is either approved or disapproved.

Copies of the applications referenced above are available at If you have any questions, please call (603) 654-6451 x309 or email [email protected].

Anyone needing assistance to attend this meeting should contact the Select Board Office one week prior to the scheduled date.


Case Number: SD01-0323

Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:6 and 675:7 that an application for a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA), by the Wilton House of Pizza, at 28 Forest Road to increase Tax Map J Lot 099 (0.244 acres, 65.85’ frontage, town water/sewer) by 0.076 acres and 17.47’ road frontage and reduce Tax Map J Lot 100 (0.383 acres, 205.44’ road frontage, town water/sewer) by 0.076 acres and 17.47’ road frontage, has been submitted to the Town of Wilton Planning Board for review on April 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School (FRES), 18 Tremont Street during a regular meeting of the Board. Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Town of Wilton Land Use Laws, Section B, Subdivision Regulations the Board will vote to accept the application as complete, and a public hearing on the merits of the proposal will follow immediately. Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Planning Board agenda until such time as it is either approved or disapproved. Anyone needing assistance to attend this meeting should contact the Select Board Office one week prior to the scheduled date.

April 19,2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Case Number: SD02-0323

Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:6 and 675:7 that an application for a 9-lot Subdivision, by Better Built Homes, LLC for 304 Gibbons Highway, Tax Map D Lot 099 (24.060 acres, 326.45’ road frontage, private well/septic), has been submitted to the Town of Wilton Planning Board for review on April 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School (FRES), 18 Tremont Street during a regular meeting of the Board. Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Town of Wilton Land Use Laws, Section B, Subdivision Regulations the Board will vote to accept the application as complete, and a public hearing on the merits of the proposal will follow immediately. Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Planning Board agenda until such time as it is either approved or disapproved. Anyone needing assistance to attend this meeting should contact the Select Board Office one week prior to the scheduled date.

April 13, 2023 Town of Wilton Zoning Board

Case  #04/11/2023-04

The request by Ana Maria Hernandez for special exceptions under sections 6.6.1 and 5.3.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been granted. It will allow licensed family group care for up to 12 children as a home occupation at Lot D-37, 102 Holt Road.

The decision is subject to the condition that the number of children is limited to the number of children on Ms Hernandez’s license or 12, whichever is less.

This decision shall expire if the construction or use permitted by it has not begun by Friday, April 11, 2025. (Wilton Zoning Ordinance section 17.4)

The selectmen, any party to the action or proceedings, or any person directly affected thereby may apply for a rehearing of this decision. A request for a rehearing must be filed in writing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment on or before Thursday, May 11, 2023, and must fully specify all grounds on which the rehearing is requested. (N.H. RSA 677:2)

*   *   *   *   *

Case  #04/11/2023-02

The request by Holly and Robert Hartshorn for a variance to section 17.1(e) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance has been granted. It will reroof a garage and enclose a second-story deck as living space on Lot C-65, 618 Isaac Frye Highway, where the house is closer to the lot lines than allowed by the Zoning Ordinance, and the Ordinance does not allow the enlargement of a nonconforming building.
This decision shall expire if the construction or use permitted by it has not begun by Friday, April 11, 2025. (Wilton Zoning Ordinance section 17.4)

The selectmen, any party to the action or proceedings, or any person directly affected thereby may apply for a rehearing of this decision. A request for a rehearing must be filed in writing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment on or before Thursday, May 11, 2023, and must fully specify all grounds on which the rehearing is requested. (N.H. RSA 677:2)

Findings of Fact
The total size of Lot C-65 is more than five acres, but the residentially developed front portion of the lot is small and narrow.
The house is historical, preceding the Zoning Ordinance by more than a century. 
No change in the footprint of the building is proposed.
None of the proposed construction will occur in any setback.

Reasons for the Decision 
Public interest: The proposed use does not threaten the public health, safety, or welfare, or change the character of the neighborhood.
Spirit of the ordinance: The use is consistent with the residential zoning, and does not offend the setback restrictions.
Substantial justice: Preventing the owners from making a minor and reasonable
improvement to their property because of decisions that were made generations before anyone had ever imagined zoning would be a substantial injustice.
Property values: The proposed improvements would, if anything, be a benefit to the neighborhood and its property values.
Hardship: The hardship arises from the special condition of the property, that it has a historic house which would have been consistent with the character of the neighborhood when it was built, and still is consistent with the character of the neighborhood notwithstanding a subsequently imposed setback requirement.
As a consequence, strict adherence to the requirements of section 17.1(e) would not do anything to advance its purpose.

*   *   *   *   *

April 11, 2023 Town of Wilton Zoning Board

Case  #04/11/2023-03

Elaine L. Kalhori has requested a special exception under section 6.6.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to allow a hair salon as a home occupation at Lot H-19, 24 Gage Road.

The Town of Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet on Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at 24 Gage Road to hold a site visit for this application. The site visit is a continuation of the public hearing on the case, and is open to the public. Its purpose is to assist the Board members and other interested parties to become familiar with the property involved in the application. Board members and other interested parties may, through the Board chairperson, ask questions about, and the applicant may point out, site details pertaining to the application, such as boundaries, contours, proposed buffers, driveways, etc. No other testimony will be taken, and no other discussion should occur.

April 5, 2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Public Hearing
Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 6:30 PM
Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 Tremont St

Notice is given in accordance with RSA Sections 675:6 and 675:7 that the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 Tremont Street to consider the following:

Amendments to the Wilton Master Plan, Chapter II: Natural Resources

Full text of the proposed changes is viewable in-person at the Town Hall and electronically on the Town of Wilton website:, or by email (send an email request to  [email protected] or call (603) 654-9451 x309).

February 14, Town of Wilton Zoning Board
Public Hearing Tuesday, February 14th at 7:30 p.m.
Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative High School Cafeteria

The Town of Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative High School Cafeteria, 57 School Road to hold hearings on the following cases. Masks are required at all Wilton ZBA meetings.

The applications for these cases, and any other documents that may have been received by the ZBA in connection with them, are available for inspection in the Wilton Land Use Office.

  • Susan M. Latham has requested variances to sections 5.1(d)5.5.1, and 5.5.3(b) of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a detached garage containing an accessory dwelling unit on Lot K-89, 23 Clark Court, where the ordinance allows accessory dwelling units only in the same dwelling as the primary dwelling unit.

    On Tuesday, August 9, 2022, the Town of Wilton Zoning Board of Adjustment denied the requested variance. On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, in response to a request from the applicant, the Zoning Board granted a rehearing.

    The original application, and all testimony and other information from the June 14, 2022 and August 9, 2022 hearings and the June 21, 2022 site visit will be incorporated in the record for the rehearing, and may be considered by the Zoning Board in making its decision.

    (Case #6/14/2022-1)

  • Priscilla Parker (owner) and JCM Custom Building (applicant) have requested variances to sections 4.2(b), 4.8, and 6.2.1 of the Wilton Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling and septic system on Lot C-94, Marden Road and Wilton Center Road, where the dwelling and septic system would be closer to a lot line, and the septic system would be closer to a delineated wetland, than allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. (Case #2/14/2023-1)

February 15, 2023 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Public Hearing
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Wilton Lyndeborough Cooperative Middle/Senior High School

Pursuant to NH Revised Statutes Annotated 155: E-7, 676:4 and RSA 675:7, notice is hereby given that the Planning Board of the Town of Wilton will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Wilton Lyndeborough Cooperative Middle/Senior High School, 57 School Road, Wilton, NH, to consider the following new application:

Isaac Frye Holdings LLC, has applied for an Excavation Site Plan Review for Lot F-003-2 (8.85 acres, 58 feet of frontage) on Isaac Frye Rd. to restore the site, where excavation has taken place, and construct a residence thereon, in accordance with approvals granted by the Zoning Board Adjustment of the Town of Wilton and otherwise as agreed by the Town and the applicant.

A copy of the application is available for review on the Wilton Town Website or at the Land Use Office, Wilton Town Hall, 42 Main Street, during regular business hours.

ref:  ESP01-023

January 4, 2022 Town of Wilton Planning Board

Public Hearing
Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 6:30 PM
Wilton Lyndeborough Cooperative High School Cafeteria

Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes (requires approval by voters at the 2023 Town Meeting):

AMEND Sections 5.2.5, 8.2.6, 9.3.4, 9A.5.7, and 13.3(g) and ADOPT new provisions 6.2.6, 7.2.5, and 7A.5.6 to conform maximum structure height across zoning districts.

AMEND Sections 9.1(a), 9A.3(a) and (b) to clarify boundaries of the Office Park District and the Research and Office Park District.

AMEND Section 5.3.1 to address multiple home occupations on the same property.

AMEND Section 17.4 to clarify status of variances and special exceptions.

AMEND Sections 13.2 and 13.3 to limit Age Restricted Housing District to areas served by Town water and sewer.

Existing Zoning Ordinance  |  Proposed Zoning Amendments

Proposed Regulation Changes (requires approval by the Planning Board):

AMEND Section D of the Wilton Land Use Laws and Regulations: Site Plan Regulations to update and clarify requirements for site plan review and application.

Existing Section D  |  Proposed Amended Section D

RENAME Section H of the Wilton Land Use Laws and Regulations to "Stormwater Management Regulations", and AMEND contents to update and clarify requirements for stormwater applications, management and plans.

Existing Section H  |  Proposed Amended Section H

Copies of proposed changes to the Town of Wilton Zoning Ordinance, Site Plan Review Regulations, and Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Regulations can also be picked up in the Land Use Office, or requested by email or telephone; [email protected] or (603) 654-9451 x309.

September 21, 2022:  Town of Wilton Planning Board

Notice is given in accordance with RSA 676:4 & RSA 675:7 that the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a hearing on Wednesday September 21, 2022, at 6:30 PM – at Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 Tremont Street, Wilton NH 03086, to consider the following case:

SP04-0822 – Willreign. An application by Willreign Properties LLC for a site plan at 47 and 49 Maple Street, K-072 (0.4 acres, 140 feet of frontage) for 5 residential units – 2 units in the former rectory and 3 units in the former church, alongside an accessory office and workshop. This lot is in the Residential District and Aquifer Protection District, and is served by town water and sewer.

A copy of the application submission is available at For more information, please call (603) 654-9451 x309 or email [email protected].

September 7, 2022:  Town of Wilton Planning Board

Notice is given in accordance with RSA 676:4 & RSA 675:7 that the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a hearing on Wednesday September 7, 2022, at 6:30 PM – at Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 Tremont Street, Wilton NH 03086, to consider the following proposed regulation changes:

Amendments to Section I – Cisterns Regulations (to be renamed “Fire Protection Regulations – Fire Cisterns and Sprinklers”). The proposed changes are intended to provide more specific requirements for sprinkler systems, which the Fire Chief may allow to be installed in lieu of a cistern to satisfy fire protection requirements. There are also several editorial changes, including renaming the regulations’ title.

A copy of the proposed application is available for review at the Land Use Office, Wilton Town Hall, 42 Main Street, during regular business hours. Full text of the proposed changes is available at For more information, please call (603) 654-9451 x309 or email [email protected].

August 19, 2022, Outdoor Water Ban

Wilton has implemented an outdoor lawn watering ban for municipal water users effective August 19th, and asks all residents to conserve. See detailed article here.

August 17, 2022:  Town of Wilton Planning Board

Notice is given in accordance with RSA 676:4 & RSA 675:7 that the Town of Wilton Planning Board will hold a hearing on Wednesday August 17, 2022, at 6:30 PM – at Florence Rideout Elementary School, 18 Tremont Street, Wilton, NH, to consider the following case:

SD02-0722 – Kinder. An application by Richard & Beth-Anne Kinder, to subdivide Tax Map Parcel C-11 (64 Ring Road, 4.09 ac, 435.34 ft of frontage) into 2 residential lots. The proposed lots, C-11-1 (2.09 ac, 235.34 ft of frontage) and C-11-2 (2.00 ac, 200.00 ft of frontage), are in the Residence and Agricultural District and are to be served by private wells and septic systems.

A copy of the application submission is available at

For more information, please call (603) 654-9451.

July 18, 2022: Special Town Meeting

To the inhabitants of the Town of Wilton in the County of Hillsborough and the State of New Hampshire qualified to vote in Town Affairs:

You hereby notified to appear at the Wilton Lyndeborough Cooperative High School (57 School Road) in said Wilton, Monday, July 18th 2022, at 6:00 P.M, for a petitioned Special Town Meeting, to act upon the following: 1. To see if the town will vote to approve the designatjon of Barrett Hill Road in Wilton, New Hampshire as a Scenic Town Road in accordance with RSA 231- 157. The designation as a Scenic Road will extend in its entirety, from the intersection of Barrett Hill Road and Burton Highway and will terminate at the private property boundary on the lot identified on the Wilton tax map as map as A-34„ 2. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting.

Warrant Article

Signed Petition

July 8, 2022 EPA Site Visit

U.S EPA Department of Environmental Services Site Visit

Abbott Memorial Trust Lot J 104-2
Purpose: Preliminary Site Visit to determine testing approach. 

The EPA has secured an ex parte warrant to access the property belonging to the Abbott Memorial Trust, a charitable organization which has been dissolved, leaving ownership in question. The EPA's purpose is to investigate the buried cyanide confirmed by NHDES’s research and exploration, documented in a 500 page report available in the Town Administrator’s office. 

For map of site, click HERE.

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