For more information on recreational opportunities in Wilton, please visit the Recreation page under the Visitors section of this website.
Sand Hill Reservoir Recreation Area
On November 10, 2022 the new Sand Hill Reservoir Recreation Area officially opened.
All visitors are welcome, year-round, to the site and the reservoir. However, the parking lot is restricted to Wilton residents with registered vehicle stickers. The Wilton resident-only parking area can be accessed off Isaac Frye Hwy. Car stickers are available, free of charge, at the Town Hall for any Wilton resident or tax payer, with proof of vehicle registration. The parking area is open from dawn to dusk, year-round.
New trails have been opened along logging roads and will be maintained for hikers.
A new kiosk (see right) displays information about the site and lists town regulations to keep it safe for people and wildlife. A trail bridge off Sand Hill Road provides additional access along the new Hunter and Fish Trails, and links to the new parking area and the peninsula.
For a brochure with more details and a trail map click HERE.
Goss Park
Since 1959, Goss Park has been the local ‘go to’ spot for kids to learn how to swim and for families to enjoy the summer. The brook-fed water features two diving boards, a floating slide, swim lanes for exercise and swim teams, and areas for people of all abilities to enjoy. There’s also a sand volleyball court, playground, basketball and futsal courts, a baseball field, a grill, and a pavilion with a snack bar. The park is open mid-June through late August and can be rented out for events.
For information go to
Garwin Falls
By vote of the Select Board, as of June 1, 2020 the town-owned land which provides access to Garwin Falls from Isaac Frye Highway is closed until further notice, and there will be no trespassing.
There is no parking allowed on either side of Isaac Frye Highway from the Sand Hill Road intersection all the way to #910 Isaac Frye Hwy. In addition, there is no parking allowed on either side of Putnam Hill Road. Violators will be ticketed, and towing has begun. Note that the cost of the ticket is $100.00.
The Horseshoe
Due to significant issues with trash, noise and fire hazards, this area is now completely closed to the public. The new owners are trying to clean up the land and restore it to its natural beauty. Please respect their wishes and do not attempt to visit.
There is no parking on either side of Burns Hill Road between School Road and Pellerin Road. Violators will be ticketed and towed. Note that the cost of the ticket is $50.00.