Phase 1

Phase 1 RiverwalkAfter much research and planning, Phase 1 of the Wilton Riverwalk was begun and completed in 2017 after Wilton voters approved a warrant article to use a portion of the Cooley Park Capital Improvement Fund to build a walkway along the south bank of the Stony Brook, adjacent to the Police Station parking lot.

Vegetation was cleared, and a walkway established with beautiful light posts and memorial stone benches along the way, and young shade trees were planted.

Riverwalk openingThe grand opening was held on September 29, 2017 with speeches, entertainment by the Temple Band, and refreshments sponsored by the Wilton Heritage Commission and provided by local restaurants.

Both Stony Brook and the Souhegan River are protected waterways and hark back to Wilton’s history as a booming mill town.  The rivers converge at the down town bridge. Future plans will link this trail to one on the North bank of Stony Brook, and connect through downtown and the Main Street Park all the way to the Riverview Mills artists complex. The pathway will bring visitors back onto Main Street proper inviting them to shop, eat and gather in more green spaces, then continue along the river’s edge to connect with more shops and art studios.

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