For more information on recreational opportunities in Wilton, please also visit the Recreation page under Visitors.
Starting January 2, 2018 The Hampshire Dome and NH WellPoint Foundation are co-sponsoring a winter indoor walking program for seniors age 70 and up. For more information, click on the link to the left.
Garwin Falls & The Horseshoe
While Garwin Falls & The Horseshoe are on private property, the Town of Wilton has parking restrictions on the public roads leading to them. As a result of safety concerns, the following applies:
At Garwin Falls
There is no parking allowed on either side of Isaac Frye Highway from the Sand Hill Road intersection all the way to #910 Isaac Frye Hwy. In addition, there is no parking allowed on either side of Putnam Hill Road. Violators will be ticketed and towed.
The only area along Isaac Frye Hwy. where parking is allowed are the four head-in spaces near the cable gate. All others will be considered violators.
At The Horseshoe
There is no parking on either side of Burns Hill Road between School Road and Pellerin Road. Violators will be ticketed and towed.