N.H. State Primary Day is September 8th!

Voting in Wilton for the N.H. State Primary will take place on Tuesday, September 8th at the Wilton-Lyndeborough high school gymnasium from 8:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
Please click HERE to view both the Democratic and Republican ballots.
Please click HERE for links to more information about all the major candidates.
See this letter from town moderator outlining the safety procedures for in-person voting, as well as the process for absentee ballots, which can be requested by anyone who has concerns about COVID.
An absentee ballot request form was mailed to all registered voters, but if you still need one, you can download it HERE
If you choose to fill out an absentee ballot and want to drop it at Town Hall in person rather than mail it in, there will be a special outside drop-box in a new location (see picture below). It will only be available when the Town offices are open during normal business hours. This is to comply with state guidelines that require the box to be monitored. If you choose to mail it, note that any absentee ballots brought to the post office counter inside will be kept in town. Any ballots put into the inside or outside post office boxes will go out of town.
For any further questions, please fell free to contact the Town Clerk’s office at (603) 654-9451 x1 or email [email protected].