Wilton 2021 Town Meeting Coming Up on June 10th.

The Wilton 2021 Town Meeting is taking place on Thursday, June 10th from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in Whiting Park ("the flats") next to Florence Rideout Elementary School. Rain date is one week later, on June 17th.
Note that chairs will not be provided, so please bring your own, or blankets to sit on. As we will be outside, it is up to the individual if they choose to wear a mask or not.
If you are not yet registered to vote, your last opportunity before Town Meeting will be on Saturday June 5th from 9:00-9:30 at the Town Clerk's Office, where the Supervisors of the Checklist will be meeting to finalize the voter roll. There will be no registrations past this date.
The town staff has put together the helpful voting guide below, which explains in detail the warrant articles you will be asked to vote on at town meeting. For the warrant articles that require an expenditure of funds, the impact on your taxes is included. Also included at the end is the full-year proposed town budget. Note: you can ignore the information on the zoning articles for the town ballot, which were already voted on back in March – we will only be discussing the warrant articles #7-25 (on pages 7-18).
If you have any questions about this guide, please do not hesitate to contact Town Administrator Paul Branscombe at [email protected] or 603-654-3299.
2021 Voter's Guide