Want to help us make Wilton a better place for hiking, wildlife and water recreation? Feel like you need to get outside and get some fresh air?
The Wilton Conservation Commission is looking for volunteers for various projects – short term and more ambitious ones.
Volunteers can do one small thing, or stay on and work with a commissioner on a longer project – everything from citizen science programs, writing grants, building kiosks and designing signage, doing research, counting bunnies and birds, putting up bird houses, hacking new trails through town, or clearing out old ones. You might even give a talk on wildlife at the library, and help with the Souhegan Sustainability Fair in May 2019.
Maybe you have an idea about what we need to do to keep Wilton Wild.
Volunteering is also the way we bring in apprentices interested in joining the WCC as new commissioners. We have two positions open in 2018-2019.
If you’re interested, contact
Jeff Stone or
Jennifer Beck, or visit us at a monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Historical Society room at the Library.