Trick or Treat in Wilton will be held on Saturday, October 31st, from 5:00 P.M. through 7:00 P.M. for the safety of all who wish to participate, specifically, our GOBLINS.
We are asking all Trick or Treaters and their families to PLEASE adhere to the basic COVID-19 and CDC safety rules.
Wilton thinks this is a personal decision that should be made by individual families if they wish for their children to participate in the Halloween festivities. With that, Wilton believes that the following precautions should be followed:
- Stay six feet apart – (except for family members).
- Consider using non-toxic makeup for the goblins, along with a cloth mask instead of the normal Halloween mask.
- Illuminate your porch light if you are going to participate in Trick of Treating.
- Candy should be placed on the porch or any area visible with protection, so that the participant can see all of the GOBLINSJ
- If you opt to hand out candy to the goblins, PLEASE WEAR GLOVES!
- Homeowners should have hand sanitizer available.
Wilton strives to make Trick or Treat a safe activity for all of our Goblins. You can also choose to support our most heavily visited neighborhoods by making donations of candy and hand sanitizer.
If you are willing to assist with donations of candy or hand sanitizer, or if you live on one of the designated downtown streets and would like to pick up some donated candy, please click HERE for all the details!