Our first goal to so basic repairs has been met! We raised $3003.00 in the first few days. But as the crew takes her apart, more needs to be done. A rebuilt radiator and 6 new tires are a must to make her safe to drive in parades and give kids a ride.
Please donate what you can at Town Hall, or write a check to:
Wilton Alliance, 5 Tighe Farm Rd, Wilton , NH 03086
The Wilton Alliance (www.wiltonalliance.org) is offering a dollar for dollar match, up to $1,500 to raise a total of $3,000 to get this piece of our town’s history back on the road. And the first donor is Don Nourse, our very own Fire Chief, with a generous donation of $100. And Boo Martin, owner of Stepping Stones Farm and Retreat Center in Temple, has donated another $100.
We have the pit crew, a list of parts and a place to work on the truck, and the crew has already begun pulling parts and polishing brass. The goal is to repair it to parade-ready, hopefully for Memorial Day. If we’re delayed – Old Home Days in August for sure.
We only have another $1,100 to go and the non-profit match takes us to the finish line. Cash of any amount can be put in the RED Box at the Town Hall Clerk’s office. You can also contribute a tax-deductible amount by check to Wilton Alliance and mail it to 5 Tighe Farm Rd, Wilton, N.H. 03086 with your name and address. You can also leave checks made out to Wilton Alliance in the Town Hall box, if you do not want the tax acknowledgement.
There are already many heroes in this story. It started with our new Select Board member, Tom Schultz, who first brought the truck’s fate to our attention. Tom, who has the most comprehensive private collection of Wilton’s history said, “Every fire chief since the early 40’s has ridden in this truck. It’s a valuable piece of our town’s history.” But it had to move from its home on McGettigan Road where Louise Caswell had generously been storing it in her barn. So assuming it no longer could serve in the fleet and with a purchase offer from a collector on the table, the Select Board put it up for auction. Jennifer Beck was contacted and the Economic Development Team put the word out on Facebook. Dana LaFleur, at Blanchard’s Auto Salvage, offered to tow it, have the crew work on it, and give it a permanent home in their barn.
Kevin Gray and his son Sullivan and Mike McGonegal evaluated the truck, and Kevin already has parts and repair kits. Mike is polishing brass and will join the others to make repairs. It won’t be fighting fires, but with your donations, it will be safe to drive and continue to proudly carry another generation of fire chiefs and fire fighters, children and history buffs.
For more information or questions, contact [email protected] or call or text 603 400 0159.