WATER BAN HAS BEEN CANCELLED AS OF SEPT 9TH. Wilton Implements Outdoor Lawn Watering Ban For Town Water Users Effective Friday, August 19th.

Pursuant to RSA 41:11-d, Wilton has implemented a lawn watering restriction (effective Friday, August 19th) and is requiring all municipal water system users (whether those users are residents, businesses, municipal buildings, or the school district) to stop watering lawns. While drought conditions persist, your cooperation is needed to ensure the critical needs of the community are met and to prevent non-essential water use from impacting the supplies of residents on private wells. Those on private wells are strongly encouraged to also conserve water at this time due to the overall drought conditions. Until further notice, please cease watering lawns and take actions to reduce other non-essential water uses, such as washing cars and power washing.
While curbing outdoor water use is the current focus, there are also many opportunities indoors to use water more efficiently. Indoor use can be cut by 20% or more by turning off faucets while washing dishes and hands, only washing full loads of laundry, and taking shorter showers, as well as by replacing old showerheads, toilets, sink aerators, and washing machines with EPA WaterSense and Energy Star® certified products. Also, repairing running toilets can save hundreds of gallons a day. For current drought information and water efficiency tips, go to www.des.nh.gov.
For questions, please contact the NHDES Water Conservation Program by email at [email protected] or by phone at (603) 271-6685.