In 1939 the Town of Wilton sponsored an elaborate town-wide series of pageants, activities, parades and re-enactments to commemorate the founding of the town in 1739 by its first European settlers: Jacob and Ephraim Putnam, John Dale, and John Badger. This exhibition highlights just a few of the photographs and other materials related to this celebration in the Wilton Historical Society's collections.
The photographs may be viewed in the entrance hallway of Town Hall, so please be sure to stop in. Town Hall hours are listed here: https://www.wiltonnh.gov/government/hours_and_contacts.
Also be sure to visit the Historical Society's Museum Rooms on the top floor of the Library (an elevator is available) to view many more photographs and other items from this singular event. Rooms are open Thursday afternoons from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM, as well as on the first Saturday of every month during normal Library hours.