The newly renovated Monument Park will be formally unveiled during Memorial Day ceremonies. The project was conceived as part of the overall Wilton Riverwalk Phase 2 project and was jointly sponsored by the American Legion Bent-Burke Post 10, the Economic Development Team, and the Wilton Main Street Association (WMSA), and included a generous $1,000 grant from Eversource. For a long time, the juniper border had grown untamed and entwined with bittersweet vines, blocking the monuments from view. The only access was a perilous jump over curbing from state highway 31, and then navigating uneven ground to get a look at the beautiful monuments.
The project began with the removal of the junipers, thanks to volunteers Brendan Greeley and his Dad Randy (from Greeley Farms Landscaping) and others, including Elmer Santerre and tree expert Richard Herfurth from Lyndeborough and members of the Legion. Next came former road agent Chris Carter, who created a new entrance from the public parking area and a handicapped-accessible crushed gravel path spanning nearly 90 feet in front of the monuments. The crushed gravel was donated by the Quinn Brothers and Granite State Concrete in Milford, and the topsoil by House By The Side Of The Road. The lawn area will be hydo-seeded thanks to Brad Smith of NH Hydroseed. In the near future, a handicapped parking space will be designated close to the entrance to the Park. With this work, the monuments are now clearly visible from the road.
WMSA donated a solar light for the flagpole, benches and a white lilac, and Alison Meltzer, President of WMSA will be working with a monument restoration expert to clean up the bronze plaques on the monuments and the granite.
Memorial Day, 1924, saw the dedication of the Memorial Tablet erected in honor of Wilton's veterans who served in all wars, from the Revolution to the recent World War. In 1949, a rededication ceremony was held when a plaque for the veterans of World War II was attached. Separate monuments have been added for more recent conflicts including the most recent -- an Eagle Scout project, by Jonathan Schultz, for the post-Vietnam era up to 9/11.
For more information:
Photographs of the project renovation
Historic Photos of the War Memorial (Monument Park)
Brief History of the War Memorial (Monument Park)