This past week, census materials were mailed to everyone’s home address, and they contain instructions for how to fill on your census form online at my2020census.gov It’s fast and easy, and very important! You only need to fill out the census once per household.
If you didn't get your mailing yet, you can still go to my220census.gov and enter your address to complete you census.
For those of you with P.O. Boxes: the Census will not deliver materials to P.O. Boxes. They will send someone in person to put a hang-tag on your door with census instructions and login information. However, you don’t have to wait until then! Even without a login code, you can still go to my2020census.gov at any time to enter and confirm your address to complete the census on line.
If you don't have easy access to a computer, or don't have reliable Internet service you can also complete the census via telephone by calling 844-519-3851.
To help spread the word, we are encouraging you to make use of the graphic below on your social media accounts to promote the fact that you have completed your census.
Make sure you count!