Wilton Residents’ Input Needed on Holding Town Elections and Town Meeting.

The ongoing pandemic has raised concerns about holding our normal Town Meeting in early March. The state has enabled us to consider a variety of alternatives, and we would like Wilton residents’ input before we make a decision by noon on this Friday, January 29th.
Please send your input to [email protected] or drop them off at Town Hall by Friday at noon.
Here are some of the alternatives we are considering, but please feel free to suggest other options.
- Hold Voting Day as scheduled on March 9th and Town Meeting on March 11th as usual, but move both to the high school for more room. Capacity will allow for more attendees then were present at last year’s Town Meeting even with 6’ social distancing guidelines in place; however, the 6’ social distancing does not need to be followed if everyone is wearing a mask, according to the guidelines.
- Keep both dates in March, but modify by having a much shorter Town Meeting – a live-streamed presentation would occur in advance to explain the warrant articles and accept input, and only voting on the warrant articles would then take place at the Town Meeting.
- Postpone both Election Day and Town Meeting to May. These could possibly be held outdoors. This option may restrict the town from spending certain funds during March-May.