Recently the Heritage Commissions of both Wilton and Lyndeborough commissioned a film exploring the fascinating history of our two towns, for use by the 4th grade students studying New Hampshire history.
The 35-minute film titled “Wilton and Lyndeborough: A Shared History” was produced and directed by Kirill Bykanov, an alumnus of High Mowing School and a current film student at NYU. It is narrated by many townspeople you will no doubt recognize!
The film had its worldwide premiere on October 23th at the Town Hall Theater, and you can now view the entire film below on YouTube!
The film premiere also raised funds for a college scholarship for a Wilton or Lyndeborough student, in honor of former Wilton Heritage Commission chair Stanley Young. We are still gratefully accepting donations, which can be made out to the Wilton Lions Charitable Foundation, and mailed to: Wilton Heritage Commission 42 Main Street PO Box 83 Wilton, N.H. 03086.
Thank you for your support, and happy viewing!