Check out the January/February 2019 issue of Fiddlehead, a magazine designed to focus on all options for “living local” across New Hampshire. This issue includes an article on the “staycation” trend and features Pam and Pete Clemens and their wonderful new Wilton B&B and Tea Room, SereniTea.
Formally opened this past summer, Pete and Pam have lovingly restored the historic house in Wilton Center, outfitting three beautiful guests rooms with baths, and featuring regularly scheduled “High Teas’ in their period décor rooms.
Check out the article for a wonderful interview with Pam, comments from very satisfied guests and some beautiful photos.
Be sure to spread the word to your friends about this new lodging option in our town, and congratulations to Pete and Pam on the great press!
Copies of the magazine can be found locally in Putnam’s Store, Gary’s Restaurant, Nelson’s Candies, FrostThis bakery, Bee Fields Farm and Brookside Mini-Market, or read it online HERE.