Wilton Riverwalk Plans to be Unveiled

Wilton Riverwalk Plans to be Unveiled!
Posted on 10/14/2019
On October 18th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Courtroom, the Wilton Economic Development team, in conjunction with Landscape Architect Robert White of GPI, will share the design plans for the downtown Wilton Riverwalk. The public is welcome, and light refreshments will be served.

The Wilton Riverwalk Project began two years ago with the opening of a walkway along the Stony Brook River near the Police Station downtown. Since then, the Economic Development Team has sponsored a design charrette with Plan NH, a comprehensive Riverwalk Study with the Nashua Regional Planning Commission, and held numerous public input workshops and an online survey to gather residents’ feedback on what features they would like to see in a Riverwalk. 

Wilton residents later approved funding to hire an architect to develop a plan for the Riverwalk, and after a competitive RFP process, chose GPI with a project team of landscape architects and civil engineers from their offices in Wilmington MA. and Portsmouth, NH. 

The intent of the Riverwalk is to create an attractive amenity for residents and visitors alike to encourage people to come and spend more time downtown, to walk and enjoy the rivers as a downtown asset and - as they stay longer - patronize our downtown businesses. The plan is designed to be built in phases with a variety of creative funding strategies including local fundraising, state and federal grants, and private-public partnerships.

The Riverwalk plans will be permanently displayed downtown in the Kiosk by the police station, and on the town website.
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